
Comfort and security of spectators are the main priority of the RFPL

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On 24 October Russian Football Premier League held a meeting related to providing safety, security and comfort of  supporters at the SOGAZ-Russian Football Championship MD 11 match between FC Spartak-Moscow and FC Lokomotiv.  The following officials took part in the meeting: RFPL Executive Director Sergey Cheban, RFPL Security Director Alexander Meytin, representatives of Moscow police, heads of safety, security and work with supporters units of FC Spartak and FC Lokomotiv, RFPL staff.

The meeting discussed in detail matters related to the match organization, emphasizing that the main point is safety and comfort of supporters.

We invite all supporters of Spartak and Lokomotiv to support their teams on 26 October at Otkrytie Arena at 13-30.


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