The first Premiership of the National Students League is over. The final matches took place in Krasnodar at Kuban State University stadium on 17 May. The final medals were distributed after these matches.
The gold medals were won in the match of the two candidates for the title - Kuban State University and Saratov State University named after Chernyshevskiy.
The goal by Evgeny Kasyanov at the end of the first half brought win to the team of Kuban State University.
The winners were awarded with medals by Deputy Justice Minister of the Russian Federation, Chairman of National Students Football League Supervisor Board Alu Alkhanov, Deputy Krasnodar Region Governor, Chairman of Krasnodar Regional Football Association Ivan Peronko and RFPL Security Director Alexander Meytin.
Russian Football Premier League would like to congratulate the team and Administration of Kuban State University on this outstanding win!
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