
Level of Match Organization at Anji Arena Corresponds to European Standards

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After the Russian Football Championship MD 2 match between Anji and Lokomotiv Executive Director of the Russian Football Premier League Sergey Cheban expressed a high opinion about the level of the organization.

«Football club Anji and Anji-Arena Stadium administration do a lot to make the stadium the center of sports life and leisure activities for the people of the republic, - pointed out Sergey Cheban. – Rationalized placement not only sports facilities, but also children’s playgrounds and catering points made the stadium the most favourite leisure place of Makhachkala and Kaspiisk inhabitants.

The level of match organization at Anji-Arena corresponds to the European standards. It is not by chance that at Anji – Lokomotiv match the stadium was full and a real atmosphere of football festival was on the stands. I would like to wish to FC Anji and Anji Arena a lot of success and new spectacular wins».


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