Today, 24 June, at the wrap-up meeting of VI convocation of State Duma it approved the bill No 1087121-6 which had passed through second and third reading “About making amendments to Chapter 20 of the Federal Law about Physical culture and Sports in the Russian Federation” and Article 32.14 of the Russian Federation Code of Administrative Violations”.
Approved amendments will allow to provide additional conditions for safety and security arrangements at official sports events organization, as well as to prevent the efforts of people banned from visiting such events to interfere with its carrying on, as the State Duma website informs.
So the Federal Law makes amendments to the Russian Federation Code of Administrative Violations. They provide creation of a list of people who are banned from visiting official sports events according to the decision of the court. This list will be published on the website of federal executive body in internal affairs section with free access for public.
Federal law also grants a right to the competitions organizers in consultation with owners and users of sports facilities to set up their requirements to the admission tickets, including identification of spectators on the basis of an ID.
And the Government of the Russian Federation can determine which competitions are subjected to mandatory identification of spectators. Different criteria will be considered in this case including peculiarities and kind of sport, as well as the level (international, all-Russian, interregional, regional, inter-municipal, municipal) of the competitions.
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