
Battle of two capitals

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ROSGOSSTRAKH Russian Football Championship MD 9 matches will be held on 1-2 October. The main event will take place in St.Petersburg where Zenit and Spartak are going to play. These matches are the decoration of the Championship, they are always thrilling and keep the fans tense till the very end. Besides, Zenit has gained steam over the recent matches, and Spartak, on the contrary, is a little bit slowed down.

The match in Rostov-on-Don will be another important game of two UEFA Champions League participants – Rostov and PFC CSKA. So far both teams gained on point each in the strongest club tournament of Europe, and in ROSGOSSTRAKH Russian Football Championship the club from Moscow might become the leader of the tournament table.

In other matches of the tournament the competition is also expected to be tense. Some clubs lost too much at the beginning of the season, and now it is time to start climbing up from the bottom part of the table.

Russian Football Premier League would like to invite all those who love sport number one to the stadia tribunes! Your teams need your support!



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