
Russian tennis stars became RFPL guests at Spartak – Zenit match

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ROSGOSSTRAKH Russian Football Championship MD 23 match Spartak – Zenit upon invitation of the Russian Football Premier League was attended by world tennis stars, national team of Russia players Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova and Olympic Champion Elena Vesnina. Anastasia admitted that she had got a lot of positive emotions.

«I love football since childhood, - Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova said after the match. – But due to our schedule it is very difficult to have a chance and go to the stadium. However, I like watching football on TV when I have time. And now I came to Moscow and such a game on Sunday! I can’t help going! The organizers arranged two tickets for me and I am grateful to them immensely. So Lena Vesnina and myself we went to the game. We liked everything! But most of all such a warm welcome. I was met and accompanied to the pitch. Lena and I were able to feel the atmosphere in full. This is for the first time with me. And the game itself was, as I think, fantastic».


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