
Lokomotiv beat Rostov in penalty shoot-outs

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In MD 2 match of MATCH PREMIR Cup tournament Rostov played against Lokomotiv. The match ended with win of the team from Moscow in penalty shoot-outs.

Dmitry Barinov scored the opener for Lokomotiv in the 47th minute. Viðar Kjartansson equalized in the 56th minute by scoring his second goal at this tournament.

The fulltime of the match ended in a draw – 1:1. According to the regulations,  no draws at this tournament are foreseen, so the match winners were determined in the penalty shoot-outs, where the club from Moscow was better - 4:3.

After winning Lokomotiv has gained 5 points after two matches. It is on the second position in the tournament table, Rostov is on the third position with one gained point.

Rostov is going to play its last match at this tournament on Monday, 28 January, against Zenit, and Lokomotiv will play against Spartak on Tuesday, 29 January.


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