
Orenburg beat PFC CSKA

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В матче 23-го тура Российской Премьер-Лиги в Москве ПФК ЦСКА уступил «Оренбургу» со счётом 2:3.

In Russian Premier League MD 23 match in Moscow PFC CSKA lost to Orenburg 2:3.

Ivan Oblyakov in the 14th minutes used mistake by Orenburg goalkeeper Evgeny Frolov and scored the opener with a long distance shot after direct free kick. In the 18th minute Adesoye Oyewole played one goal back, and Andrey Sutormin took the lead for the visiting team with a powerful long distance shot in the 24th minute. Abel Hernandez equalized in the 32nd minute. The winning goal of the club from Orenburg was scored by forward Djordje Despotovic in the 54th minute of the game.

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