
Krasnodar wins in Ufa

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In Russian Premier League MD 2 kick-off match Ufa lost to Krasnodar 2:3.

The home team scored the opener in the 29th minute after a well-placed shot by Cătălin Carp. Dzhemal Tabidze extended the lead in the 40th minute. During the second half the team from Krasnodar, first, equalized due to the goals by Younes Namli in the 49th and Tonny Vilhena in the 78th minutes, and then managed to win due to the long distance shot by Cristian Ramirez and deflection from the head of Dzhemal Tabidze in the 87th minute of the game.

The Player of the Match was one of Krasnodar team scorers Tonny Vilhena.

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