Лого Российская премьер-лига


Arsenal gets the win

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Their training camp in Cyprus the Gunners from Tula finished with a confident win over Lithuanian club Kruoya - 2:0.

Arsenal in the 1st half: Kotov, Sukharev, Osipov, Hagush, Ershov, Tesak, Zotov, Ryzhkov, Korytko, Smirnov, Maslov.

Arsenal in the 2nd half: Mucha, Vasilyev, Lozenkov, Kalechin, Kryuchkov, Alferov (Naletov, 68), Lyach, Kascelan, Kuznetsov, Lepskiy, Kutyin.

Dmitry Alenichev summarized the training camp by saying: “All the work which had been planned for this training camp was done. I am also pleased with the conditions. As for today game I can say that the players had the tiredness on the background, and it was evident that they can and they must play better. It is very good that we managed to finish the training camp in positive”.

On 28 January Arsenal will return to Russia.


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