Weekly magazine “Football” held a traditional poll among sports journalists for the 49th time in order to choose the best Russian player 2012. The contest has been held since 1964. 275 journalists took part in the poll. As a result of the poll a midfielder of “Zenit” Saint-Petersburg was named the best Russian football player.
We bring to your attention an article of the weekly magazine “Football” about the choice of the Best football player of the year. To read an interview with the winner, find out amount of points of the opponents and who journalists polled for is available at a page "Articles and interviews" of “Press-Center” section of the RFPL site.
"As usual, we asked our colleagues to name three best players of the last year in their opinion. Scheme of scoring is usual: three points were awarded for the first place, two – for the second and one – for the third.
Journalists from the cities which clubs are present at the Russian Premier League participated in the poll that is also a tradition. But this time we excluded official representatives of the clubs' press services from the poll that is logical: after all, these people due to the nature of their profession are required to lobby interests of their clubs and paid for that. So in total 275 people polled.
As a result of points counting the best Russian football player 2012 became a 31-years-old midfielder of “Zenit” Saint-Petersburg and the Russian national team Roman SHIROKOV.
96 journalists included Shirokov into their top three: 42 of them gave Roman the first place, 35 – the second place and 19 – the third place. In total the sum amounted to 215 points.
Another representative if “Zenit” - Aleksandr KERZHAKOV – is a bit behind with 196 points (44, 21, 22).
Aleksandr KOKORIN from “Dynamo” Moscow was very close to Kerzhakov with 191 point (33 first places, 29 – second and 34 – third).
Special thing about the current poll is exceptional density of results. Winner usually was ahead of other candidates with wide margin. Less often two leaders compete as it was last year (Dumbiya and Voronin). This time the top three was separated with 24 points and Igor Akinfeev who finished in the fourth place (141, 31, 19, 10) received just two first places less than Kokorin. Such density is due to both football and organisational reasons.
There was no an absolute leader among the players in 2012. Plus unsuccessful game of the Russian national team at Euro-2012 and unsuccessful performances of our clubs in the Champions League. The most likely candidate also had their own problems. Igor Akinfeev skipped Euro and a part of the season due to injury, Alan Dzagoev, who was bright at the Euro, failed the autumn part of the Russian Championship, Alexander Kerzhakov weakly played in Poland and failed to help "Zenit" in the Champions League, Igor Denisov was on strike. Aleksandr Kokorin stood out against this background but he started his impetuous rise just in the second half of the season. Roman Shirokov spent the steadier year and became the winner in the end.
Despite a small lead over the second and third places, winning by Shirokov was legitimate. Roman played a number of memorable games, became the best scorer of the national team in 2012 and was included in all «dream teams» that were called in Russia. Openness of Shirokov also impressed journalists. He is one of the few who never hesitated to call a spade a spade, often at the expense of political correctness. This way he reminds the winner 2007 Konstantin Zyryanov. "
On behalf of the Russian Football Premier League we congratulate Roman Shirokov with the well-deserved victory.
Weekly maagazine “Football” thanks all the journalists who participated in the poll. Thank you, colleagues!
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