On 25 February Russian Football Premier-League held a regular workshop for delegated working at SOGAZ-Russian Football Championship matches. The League top managers and representatives of the ministry of the interior spoke to attendants.
Workshop was held in order to check readiness of the delegates to the Championship restart. The results of the delegates work in the first part of the tournament were summed and other issues were considered. Workshop participants discussed cooperation with representatives of the Major Broadcaster and the Ministry of the Interior staff, providing safety during the games and checking implementation of commercial liabilities to official sponsors and the Lague partners.
As a result of the meeting the delegates passed examination of knowing the FUR and RFPL rules.
«Such workshops are usually held twice a season. During this meeting we assessed readiness of delegates to restart the Championship and reminded them major requirements to matches organisation. All notes regarding results of work from 1st to 19th tours were attentively analysed and attendants received answers to the questions they asked about», - the RFPL Deputy Sports Director Victor Pyshkin said.