On Wednesday April 10th in the House of Football at Taganka the Russian Football Premier-League held a press-conference regarding results of the 23rd tour of SOGAZ-Russian Football Championship. Traditionally one of the Championship leading players, FC Dynamo Moscow gorward Kevin Kuranyi took part in the press-conference.
«I have played in the Premier-League for 2,5 years and the level of the tournament is constantly growing. I like to compete with strong opponents, win with my team and please fans with good game», - Kuranyi said and answered questions by mass media representatives.
The Premier-League Executive Officer Sergey Cheban said that match attendance stays at a good level – average number of 14.500 viewers visited every match in the 23rd tour. Answering journalists’ questions Sergey Cheban noted improvement of broadcasts from Moscow stadium Lokomotiv and Rostov-on-Don. Lokomotiv and Rostov management implemented all requests by the Major Broadcaster regarding technical requirements to their stadiums.
The RFPL Security Director Aleksander Meytin said that a game in Rostov-on-Don between Spartak and Rostov passed without any accidents. Due to good preparation benevolent atmosphere was created among the Spartak fans who came to the game. Friendly game between fans of both clubs was also held.
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