Russian Football Premier League has sent the recommendations regarding organization of examination and body search of football supporters. According to par.18 of the Guidelines for Safety and Security organization at holding official sports events, adopted by the Russian Federation Government decree of 18 April 2014 No353, which state that the competition organizers jointly with the police authorities can carry out body search of individuals as well as their belongings.
In order to make discovery of forbidden items more effective, to fasten the passage of the supporters to the event and to avoid abusive practices, it is advisable to place checking points immediately after tickets control. Each of the points should be manned with at least two stewards, including at least one female steward for the two checking points.
Before entrance to the stadium steward should propose to individual in a friendly and polite way to go to the checking point according to the Guidelines.
If individual refused to go for the body search, he will not be allowed to attend the event.
Items forbidden to be brought to the stadium, but not forbidden for using in the Russian Federation, discovered at the body search, should be forwarded by the visitors to the cloak-rooms of this sport facility.
Dear Supporters and Fans! In case you have extraordinary situations and possible exceeding of authority by police representatives on the match days, you can send your message or complaint to the hotline of RFPL - and to the phone of Anton Zakharov from Security and Work with Supporters Department of RFPL (mob: 8-909-952-16-64).
Free legal consultation on the match day can be received by the supporters from the legal partner of the Russian Football Premier League – European Legal Services – tel: + 7 (495) 727-09-01
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