Лого Российская премьер-лига


Congratulations on Anniversary!

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Russian Football Premier League would like to congratulate famous football player and coach Anatoly Byshovets on his 70-Anniversary!

Dear Anatoly! You always showed a skillful and spectacular performance on the pitch, your game was non-standard, beautiful and efficient. You won gold medals of the USSR Championship four times, and you raised the Cup of the USSR above your head twice. When you became a coach you pass all your knowledge and skills to your players, as well as your will to struggle and desire to win. It is not by chance that the National Team of the USSR won Olympic gold medals under your guidance in 1988. Your numerous trainees are extremely grateful to you for the impulse and start in life you had given them.

Dear Anatoly! Please accept our most heartfelt wishes of health, luck happiness and new achievement for the good of the Russian football!


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