When the season will resume, how the league is working and whether there will be games without spectators - answers to the main questions about the RPL’s suspension.
On 1 April, the Russian Premier Liga was suspended by the RFU Executive Committee's decision until 31 May. This is necessary to protect match participants and spectators from the risk of infection and help in the fight against the spread of COVID-19. This deadline is not final and may be revised depending on the epidemiological situation and executive orders.
Below we answer the main questions that we have received from fans and journalists in recent weeks.
When will the RPL resume?
As soon as the executive authorities remove restrictions on holding and organizing mass events.
How is the RPL preparing for the resumption of the championship?
The RPL management team, along with colleagues from the RFU, participate in all conference calls with FIFA, UEFA and other football organizations working on the resumption of European championships. Based on constantly updated data, we model different calendar options for the current and next seasons.
For now, we plan to resume the championship in any of the weeks from mid-June to mid-July. The start date depends on the spread of the coronavirus and the decrees of the authorities.
Is it true that the remaining matchdays might be played behind closed doors?
Yes, there is such a possibility. The management and clubs of the RPL are considering various options for finishing the season, including without spectators. We understand that games without fans are bad, so we will only accept this option if all others are not possible.
Isn't it better to finish the championship now?
UEFA has given all leagues a recommendation to finish the season to preserve the integrity of the competition and determine the champions, participants in European competitions and play-offs, as well as the teams that will be relegated on a sporting basis.
How will the players prepare for the resumption of the season?
The RPL and the clubs have agreed to set a date for the resumption of the championship at least three weeks before the start, so that the players have time to prepare.
But what about player and coach contracts that expire at the end of the season?
All employment contracts in Russia are regulated by the legislation of our country. The RPL recommends that all relevant parties in such agreements negotiate in order to find an optimal and fair solution.
The following recommendations for the most common cases are based on article 18, paragraph 2 of the FIFA regulations:
– if a contract is due to expire at the original date of the end of the season, it is recommended to extend the term of the contract to the new end date
– if a contract is due to start on the initial start date of next season, it is advisable to postpone the commencement of the agreement until the new start date for next season
However, the final decision remains with the clubs, who have the legal right to determine what to do in each case.
Like you, we miss Russian football and want it to return to stadiums. Please stay at home. This will help in the fight against the spread of the coronavirus and bring us closer to normal life.