On 26 February the RFPL Director on safety and work with fans Alexander Meytin participated in a summit of Association of European Professional Football Leagues (EPFL) on stadium management that took place at Commerzbank-Arena, Frankfurt, - FC Eintracht home stadium.
At the summit they shared opinions on modern principals of safety improvement at European stadiums.
The experience was shared by a representative of European Stadium and Safety Managament Association (ESSMA) Dimitri Hyuygenz, Commerzbank-Arena General Director Patrick Meyer and Birger Nass responsible for organisation and holding Bundesliga matches.
Director of Dublin stadium Aviva told about promising safety and stadium management technologies.
Director of International Marketing Department and Special Projects of FC Celtic Julian Jenkin read a report on fans safety.
«Such meetings with European colleagues aare very useful for us since they let us match the most modern requirements of safety and comfort increase for fans attending the Premier-League games», - Alexander Meytin said.
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