
Hulk and Ureña qualified to 2014 FIFA World Cup quarterfinals

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Two ties of quarterfinalists were determined at 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil.

National Team of Brazil where Hulk from Zenit is playing, beat Chile in the post-match penalties – 1:1 (3:2). Hulk spent 120 minutes on the pitch and he was not able to score at a kick from 11 meter mark.

In the quarterfinal Brazil will be playing against Columbia, which beat Uruguay 2:0.

Costa-Rica for which Marcos Ureña from Kuban is playing beat Greece in after-match penalties – 1:1 (5:3). Ureña did not play in this game.

In the quarterfinal Costa-Rice will be playing against the Netherlands, which beat Mexico – 2:1.


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