
PFC CSKA beat Mordovia

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In the SOGAZ-Russian Football Championship MD 19 match in Khimki PFC CSKA hosted Mordovia.

The match ended with win of PFC CSKA  – 4:0.

Before the match an honorary ceremony for the famous Army team veteran, Merited Master of Sports, bronze medals holder of FIFA World Cup 1966, Vladimir Ponomarev, who has recently celebrated his 75-Anniversary. Russian Football Premier League President Sergey Pryadkin and PFC CSKA CEO Roman Babaev congratulated Vladimir Ponomarev.

Dzagoev scored the opener in the very beginning of the game. In the middle of the half Yakovlev was sent off the pitch. After that Eremenko scored the second goal to the visiting team.

After the halftime Eremenko scored another goal, and the final result was nailed by Nababkin, who scored his first goal in Premier League.

At the very end of the match PFC CSKA defender Fernandes was injured.

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