
Enisey is in Premier League!

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In the second leg play-off match between RFPL and FNL match in Kaspiisk  Anji beat Enisey 4:3.

After having conceded two goals in a row from Marko Obradovic and Maxim Semakin in the middle of the first half players of Anji did not give up and continued fighting. As a result the team from Makhachkala managed to win, but on the aggregated result of the two legs the team leaves RFPL. Anji had the following scorers in this game: Poku Kwadwo, Amur Kalmykov and twice Vladimir Poluyakhtov. One more goal for Enisty from the 11-meter mark was scored by Serder Serderov.

Due to the very confident win in the home match (3:0) Enisey from Krasnoyarsk will be playing in the Premier League in the following season for the first time in its history.

Russian Football Premier League would like to congratulate the club administration, coaches and staff, players and supporters on this incredible success!

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