
Krasnodar beat Krylia Sovetov

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In Russian Premier League MD 9 match Krasnodar beat Krylia Sovetov 4:2.

Alexander Sobolev scored the opener in the 12th minute. Magomed-Shapi Suleymanov equalized in the 16th minute. Just before the halftime Alexander Sobolev could have scored again, but goalkeeper of Krasnodar Matvey Safonov managed to save the kick from 11-meter mark.

Kristoffer Olsson took the lead for the home team in the 53rd minute. In the 57th minute the ball after the shot by Wanderson hit the bar and rebounded from the back of Sergey Ryzhikov to the goalnet. In the 67th minute Sergey Ryzhikov saved the kick from 11-meter mark by Ari, but Krasnodar forward sent the ball into the goal very quickly. The third kick from 11-meter mark in this game was successfully converted by Paul Viorel Anton, which fixed the final score of the match.

The Player of the Match was Krasnodar defender Sergey Petrov.

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