
Sergey Tashuev and Fakel part ways

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Fakel Voronezh officially announced the departure of head coach Sergey Tashuev.

Tashuev was hired on 8 September, almost month later after coach left Akhmat Grozny. Just three weeks ago, on 6 April, club extended his contract on undisclosed term. Fakel played 18 matches in RPL under Tashuev earning 22 points; in October coach was named RPL Manager of the Month.

Tashuev was second Fakel head coach this season; team kicked off the season with Vadim Evseev and spent seven matches with him.

Fakel go eleventh after 25 league matches having 26 points and four-game losing streak. In the next match Fakel will visit Sochi on 29 April.


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