Latest news

Rubin becomes the last quarterfinalist of the Cup of Russia


Rubin becomes the last quarterfinalist of the Cup of Russia

Rubin 2(extra time):0 Spartak

Krasnodar is expelled from the Cup of Russia


Krasnodar is expelled from the Cup of Russia

Krasnodar 1:3 Krylia Sovetov

Mordovia beats Shinnik in the Cup of Russia


Mordovia beats Shinnik in the Cup of Russia

Mordovia 5:1 Shinnik

Kuban beats Tosno in the Cup of Russia


Kuban beats Tosno in the Cup of Russia

Kuban 3:0 Tosno

Statement about preparation for the match Rubin-Spartak


Statement about preparation for the match Rubin-Spartak

 Comfort and safety of supporters are the main priorities of the football matches

Inconvenient Rubin


Inconvenient Rubin

Review of the SOGAZ-Russian Football Championship MD 11

Oleg Kononov is recognized as the Best Coach of the Month


Oleg Kononov is recognized as the Best Coach of the Month

Best Coach of the Month Award

FIFA World Cup in Qatar - the date is open...


FIFA World Cup in Qatar - the date is open...

EPFL General Assembly

Let's make stadia attendance more safe!


Let's make stadia attendance more safe!

Supporters ID system is to be tested


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