
Coaches Quotations – After 25th tour of the SOGAZ-Russian Football Championship

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Terek 3:0 Rostov

Miodrag Božović,Head Coach of FC Rostov:

- If the result is 0:3, it means that Terek was better. In the first half we even did not make any shots on goal, and Terek scored two goals. In the second half we tried to change the situation, may be, we looked a little bit better, than in the first half. But in any case, Terek deserved to win, score could have been higher, we had some mistakes in our defense.

(About sending-off Kanga): - We will not speak about that hot on the trail. We would have lost even if Kanga had not been sent off, and even we had had one player more. We looked poor.


Zenit 4:1 Krasnodar

Andre Villas-Boas, Head Coach of FC Zenit:

- An important winning, very important. As in the previous game, at some moment the team took the challenge. I liked it a lot, when the players managed to concentrate and showed good performance after the missed goal. I think that the team will continue in the same way, as it is very good in training sessions, shows good football. You can see the team spirit!

(About the performance of Arshavin): - I don’t share the opinion, that we had to leave Arshavivn as substitute, because of his private matters, as professional should always split private life and football. This player is of a very high level, which wants to win Russian Football Championship and be included into the National Team for Brazil. Todayhelookedreallywell, soIthinkthatwasacorrectdecisiontofieldhim.

(About meeting with supporters of Zenit): - Yes, I visited fan club and supporters of Zenit. I decided to go there myself and to speak to them. Everything went very well. Curva plays an important part in Zenit winnings, because a lot depends on spectators, especially in home matches. As for the bonuses, I cannot tell for sure. I think they shared in equal parts among fielded and substitute players, but this is the question of relations between players and their club.


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