
RFPL Official Statement

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A number of media published the information that registration of FC Ufa player Emmanuel Frimpong was made incorrectly.

Russian Football Premier League would like to inform that registration of Emmanuel Frimpong was made in accordance with the SOGAZ-Russian Football Championship 2014-15 Regulations, and current FUR Regulation for Status and Transfer of players.

Article 12.6.5 of the SOGAZ-Russian Football Championship Regulations indicates documents necessary for player registration:

12.6.5. For each player, included into form  № 3А and № 3B, the club should provide the following documents, in accordance with par.1 Art.16 of the Regulations for Status: – three original copies of the Labour Agreement (any amendments and annexes to it) are stamped with registration mark by a responsible representative of the Premier League, after which one copy is handed to the professional player by the club, with signature of the player, another copy is kept with the club and the third one is kept with RFPL. a full copy of the professional player Labour Record Book, including professional player, which is non-citizen of the Russian Federation, verified by the club . a copy of the civil passport of the appropriate state, the citizen of which the professional player is, verified by the club. – when professional player is at transfer, till expiry of his Labour Agreement, the following documents are presented:

- when professional player transfers from football club (sport school) of another National Association, an International Transfer Certificate is presented (in cases fixed by FIFA International Transfer Certificate is arranged in accordance with FIFA TMS System (Transfer Matching System), either confirmation that necessary for  the information, necessary for International Transfer Certificate request, is entered into TMS FIFA system in due time.

All necessary documents have been provided by FC Ufa. International Transfer Certificate and Registration players list were verified by a responsible representative of the Football Union of Russia. Besides, Art.6 par.4 of the FUR Regulations for Status and Transfer of Players stipulates that “entering into force of the Labour Agreement cannot be under condition of the positive results of the medical examination and\or providing the player with a permission for work in the Russian Federation”.


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