
Anji beat Rubin

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In the first match of ROSGOSSTRAKH Russian Football Championhip MD 4 Rubin hosted Anji in Kazan. The game ended with win of the visiting team - 1:2.

The teams were ready to fight on the pitch of Tsentralny Stadium. The opener was scored by Kanunnikov, this goal became the only one for Rubin in this game. Budkovskiy managed to equalize before the halftime. And in the second half the visiting team extended the lead due to the goal by Ebecilio. The home team got a chance to avoid defeat at the end of the game, when the referee awarded the kick from 11-meter mark. Portnyagin tried to convert it, but Belenov played confidently in the goal of Anji.

In spite of defeat Rubin players thanked all their fans who had come to support the club in this game.


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