
Spartak won in Orenburg

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In ROSGOSSTRAKH Russian Football Championship MD 7 kick-off match Orenburg hosted Spartak. The game ended 1:3 in favour of the club from Moscow.

The opener was scored in the 2nd minute of the game: Promes shot to the top corner. Before the end of the first half the initiative went to the home team. Not long before the halftime the referee pointed to the 11-meter mark and the goal of Rebrov conceded a goal by Blago.

Second goal by Promes in this game brought the visiting team ahead. The final score was fixed by Zhano, who scored in the 69th minute.

FC Orenburg showed its hospitality and welcome.  A mobile kitchen trailer was waiting for the supporters at the entrance of the stadium. And in the halftime an honorary ceremony was arranged for the runners-up of Leather Football competition – Strela team from Orenburg.

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