
Goal by Kambolov bring win to Rubin

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In the wrap-up match of ROSGOSSTRAKH Russian Football Championship MD8 Rubin hosted Tom at Tsentralny Stadium. The game ended with win of the home team 2:1.

FC Rubin had a charity fundraising activity before the match in order to help Denis Gromov, who is under care of Rusofond. The players of the club from Kazan entered the pitch in special T-shirts – Save Heart.

The first goal to Tom was scored by Jonathas. Vranješ scored to the home team in the second half after a corner kick. The first goal by Kambolov in season 2016/17 became the winning one for Rubin in this match.

According to the results of this game Rubin moves to the 10th position in the tournament table and gets ahead of Tom.

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