
Krylia Sovetov leaves Premier League, Arsenal and Orenburg play promotion-relegation matches

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According to the results of ROSGOSSTRAKH Russian Football Championship MD30 the second team to leave the Premier League after the end of the season is determined.

Krylia Sovetov lost a home match to Terek – 1:3 and moved down to the 15th position. They leave the Premier League.

Due to the home win over Rostov 2:0 Orenburg moved up to the 13th position in the tournament table.

Arsenal finished on the 14th position. It beat Spartak 3:0 at home.

Arsenal and Orenburg will play promotion-relegation matches against the 3rd and 4th teams of FONBET-Russian Football Premiership on 25 and 28 May. Arsenal will play against Enisey, and Orenburg – against SKA-Khabarovsk.  The first leg matches are to be held on the pitches of FNL teams.


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