
Match TV is to show promotion-relegation matches live

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On Thursday, 25 May, promotion-relegation matches to play in the Russian Football Premier League in season 2017-2018 will take place.

SKA-Khabarovsk Orenburg

25.05.2017, 12:00. Lenin Stadium

Referee – Sergey Lapochkin (St.Petersburg).

The club from Khabarovsk got the 4th place in FONBET-Football Premiership of Russia.

These clubs used to play in FNL. Over 9 matches played they each of them had 3 wins and 3 draws. Goal difference is 11:11.

Enisey Arsenal

25.05.2017, 15:30.  Centralny

Referee – Vladislav Bezborodov (St.Petersburg)

The club from Krasnoyarsk under the guidance of Spartak-Moscow legend Andrey Tikhonov got the 3rd place in FONBET-Russian Football  Premiership.

The teams played 10 matches over their history of playing in FNL. Enisey won 3 times, the teams made draw also three times. Arsenal won 4 times. The goal difference is 8:11.


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