
Krasnodar beat Ural

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In Russian Premier League MD 8 match in Ekaterinburg Ural lost to Krasnodar 2:4.

Dmitry Skopintsev scored the opener in the 19th minute. Yury Bavin equalized in the 22nd minute. Ari took the lead for the visiting team in the 38th minute. In the 68th minute Othman El Kabir evened the score, but goals by Daniil Utkin in the 80th minute and Wanderson in the 82nd minute guaranteed win to Krasnodar.

After this win in Ekaterinburg the club from Krasnodar moved to the top of the RPL tournament table having gained 17 points.

The Player of the Match was the player who scored the second goal for Krasnodar – Ari.

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