
Sergey Ivanov to take charge of Lokomotiv vs Krylia Sovetov in Russian Cup Final

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The full team of referees and officials have been announced for the Russian Cup Final.

Referee - Sergey Ivanov; assistant referees - Valentin Murashov, Dmitry Zhvakin; 4th official - Igor Panin*, reserve assistant referee - Aram Petrosyan; VAR - Vasily Kazartsev, assistant VAR - Anton Averyanov, inspector - Nikolay Levnikov.

Sergey Ivanov will work for the first time as the main referee in a national cup final. As a reserve referee, he worked in the 2015/16 Russian Cup Final that finished CSKA 1-4 Zenit.

The Lokomotiv Moscow vs Krylia Sovetov Samara match will take place at Nizhny Novgorod stadium on 12 May at 20:00 MSK (19:00 CET).

*Igor Panin replaced Stanislav Vasiliev as 4th official on 11 May following the report by RFU


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