
Lokomotiv move Sochi from ninth

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RPL Matchday 26
Lokomotiv Moscow 3-0 FC Sochi
Monday 8 May, RZD Arena, Moscow

Goals: Lokomotiv – Tiknizyan (41), Karpukas (45+3), Isidor (75)
Man of the Match: Nair Tiknizyan (Lokomotiv)

Lokomotiv kept top form in second part of the season and got seventh win in nine games, the same number with Zenit and CSKA. The Railwaymen made half of work before break, Nair Tiknizyan and Artem Karpukas scored in the same style, both were lucky on rebound after saves from Denis Adamov. Second half showed Wilson Isidor again as joker, the Frenchman scored in fourth straight game, in all he came from bench. Sochi had chance to steal clean sheet from Ilya Lantratov, but goalkeeper saved penalty shot from Cristian Noboa. Since making RPL debut no keeper stopped more penalties than Lantratov, who has eight saves.

Lokomotiv moved Sochi from ninth place, the Railwaymen have 35 points, while the Southern leopards drop to tenth with 34 points.

Next RPL fixtures: Sunday 14 May – Krylia Sovetov vs Lokomotiv, Sochi vs Rostov

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