
DR Congo & Bongonda lose to South Africa in bronze medal game at Africa Cup

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Spartak midfielder Theo Bongonda played for DR Congo against South Africa in third place match at Africa Cup of Nations in Cote-d’Ivoire.

Bongonda was put in the starting 11, but after 33 minutes he left the pitch due to injury. Teams finished regular time with 0-0 draw, and as extra time is cancelled in the bronze medal game, they decided the winner in the penalty shootout, where South Africa won 6-5. The final shot for winners was taken by ex-Rostov defender Siyanda Xulu, and then goalkeeper Ronwen Williams saved the attempt from Meschak Elia.

It was first Africa Cup for Bongonda, and he played six of seven matches for DR Congo, but did not get any goal or assist, marked only with yellow card. Spartak midfielder was the last remaining RPL player at the tournament.


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